
来自Photoneo 知识库
Alan讨论 | 贡献2018年4月3日 (二) 04:14的版本 (创建页面,内容为“ By default the scanner coordinate system has its origin in the camera, the Z coordinate aims to the scene, X coordinate aims outside the scanner (to the right) and…”)
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By default the scanner coordinate system has its origin in the camera, the Z coordinate aims to the scene, X coordinate aims outside the scanner (to the right) and Y coordinate to the back (bottom of the scanner).

You can view this coordinate space in PhoXi Control Application after triggering the scan. There is a checkbox on on the right pane called "Axis". After you check it, move the scene and the axis will be depicted. Or you can save the point cloud and explore the coordinate space in external viewer, e.g. Meshlab, which is able to render the axis.

All point coordinates are in millimeters.

Scanner can work also in different coordinate spaces: