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(创建页面,内容为“ PhoXi Scanners have the resolution of 3,2 Million points, which correspond to the resolution of the 2D sensor inside (2064x1544). For each pixel in the 2D sensor th…”)
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PhoXi Scanners have the resolution of 3,2 Million points, which correspond to the resolution of the 2D sensor inside (2064x1544). For each pixel in the 2D sensor there is one computed 3D point. The accuracy of the computation for each pixel is estimated by the "confidence" value, which express the error of 3D measurement in millimeters. Please note that this value is only the estimation. The real value can be obtained only by the comparison with the gold (CAD) model.
== Exploring the Confidence Map in PhoXi Control ==
打开左侧窗格中的“Output Structure”标签,勾选“ConfidenceMap”复选框并按“Set”按钮确认。新标签将会添加到查看器窗格中。现在触发扫描并将当前视图切换到ConfidenceMap。使用右窗格中的“Maximal Value”阈值并将其设置为较小值(例如1.00毫米)。现在每个像素的测量误差将会测绘为颜色:具有零误差的点将为黑色,具有1毫米以上误差的点将为白色,而具有0-1误差的点将呈现某些灰色阴影。
Open the "Output Structure" tab in the Left Pane, check "ConfidenceMap" checkbox and confirm by button "Set". New tab will be added into the viewer pane. Now trigger the scan and switch the current view to ConfidenceMap. Use "Maximal value" threshold in the right pane and set it to small value (e.g. 1.00 mm). The error of measurement for each pixel is now mapped into color: points with zero error will be black, points with error above 1 mm will be white and the points with error between 0-1 will have some shade of gray.
Move the mouse pointer over the pixels to see the actual confidence value (estimated error of measurement) in the right pane.
[[File:Confidence-map-explanation 1080.jpg | border | 500px]]
[[File:Confidence-map-explanation 1080.jpg|border|500px]]
== Saving the Confidence Map in the PLY ==
打开保存选项对话框,并在PLY选项中勾选“Confidence Map”。
Open the Saving Options dialog and in the PLY options check "Confidence Map".
The confidence value will be added into the PLY structure.
And the information about each point will contain also the confidence value.
* Point coordinates [-49.9265 -3.09847 186.842]  
* 点的坐标[-49.9265 -3.09847 186.842]
* Point normal vector [0.359787 -0.00883223 -0.932993]
* 点的法向量[0.359787 -0.00883223 -0.932993]
* Point color in RGB [15 15 15]
* 点的RGB颜色[15 15 15]
* Point color in 32bit [19]
* 点的32位颜色[19]
* Confidence [0.0265961] - this means that the point was captured with the estimated accuracy of 0.0265961 mm
* 可信度[0.0265961] - 这意味着获取该点的估计精度为0.0265961毫米

2018年4月6日 (五) 04:52的版本



打开左侧窗格中的“Output Structure”标签,勾选“ConfidenceMap”复选框并按“Set”按钮确认。新标签将会添加到查看器窗格中。现在触发扫描并将当前视图切换到ConfidenceMap。使用右窗格中的“Maximal Value”阈值并将其设置为较小值(例如1.00毫米)。现在每个像素的测量误差将会测绘为颜色:具有零误差的点将为黑色,具有1毫米以上误差的点将为白色,而具有0-1误差的点将呈现某些灰色阴影。


border | 500px


打开保存选项对话框,并在PLY选项中勾选“Confidence Map”。







  • 点的坐标[-49.9265 -3.09847 186.842]
  • 点的法向量[0.359787 -0.00883223 -0.932993]
  • 点的RGB颜色[15 15 15]
  • 点的32位颜色[19]
  • 可信度[0.0265961] - 这意味着获取该点的估计精度为0.0265961毫米