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(创建页面,内容为“ == Photoneo Raw file format (*.praw) == Every 3D scan taken by PhoXi 3D scanner can be saved into native *.praw file, which can be viewed in PhoXi Control Applicat…”)
第1行: 第1行:
== Photoneo原始文件格式(*.praw)==
== Photoneo Raw file format (*.praw) ==
PhoXi 3D扫描仪实行的每次3D扫描都可以保存成原生*.praw文件,此种文件可以在PhoXi控制应用程序中查看。
Every 3D scan taken by PhoXi 3D scanner can be saved into native *.praw file, which can be viewed in PhoXi Control Application.
The advantage of using native format is that it contains the complete information about the scanning configuration.
== File Camera ==
“File Camera”是一个包含*.praw文件的目录。您可以将此目录拖放到PhoXi C控制应用程序中。它会打开名为“File3DCamera”的新标签,其行为与常规的3D扫描仪类似。在文件相机上触发新的扫描将打开目录中的下一个文件。文件相机的扫描参数是只可读的。
"File Camera" is a directory which contains *.praw files. You can drag & drop this directory into PhoXi Control Application. It will open new tab named like "File3DCamera" which behaves similar to regular 3D scanner. Triggering new scan on file camera will open next praw file in the directory. The scanning parameters for file cameras are read only.
===创建文件相机 - 记录3D扫描===
=== Creating the File Camera - Recording of 3D scans ===
连接到3D PhoXi扫描仪时,可以自动保存每个获取的扫描。遵循的步骤:
When connected to 3D PhoXi scanner, it is possible to automatically save each acquired scan. Steps to follow:
# 点击“Recording options”按钮打开对话框。
#* [[File:Saving-options.png | 400px]]
# 指定输出目录
# 勾选“Photoneo's Raw data format”
#* 点击Options并勾选“Use Cimpression”
# 如果您想将此设置保存为默认值,请使用“Set”或“Set & Store”进行确认。
# Click on the button "Recording options" to open the dialog.
#* [[File:Saving-options.png|400px]]
# Specify output directory
# Check "Photoneo's Raw data format"
#* Click on options and check "Use Compression"
# Confirm by "Set" or "Set & Store" if you want to store this settings as default.
Then use the "Record" button. Each scan taken from now on will be automatically stored in the specified directory that can be later used as File Camera.

2018年4月6日 (五) 04:24的最新版本


PhoXi 3D扫描仪实行的每次3D扫描都可以保存成原生*.praw文件,此种文件可以在PhoXi控制应用程序中查看。



“File Camera”是一个包含*.praw文件的目录。您可以将此目录拖放到PhoXi C控制应用程序中。它会打开名为“File3DCamera”的新标签,其行为与常规的3D扫描仪类似。在文件相机上触发新的扫描将打开目录中的下一个文件。文件相机的扫描参数是只可读的。

创建文件相机 - 记录3D扫描

连接到3D PhoXi扫描仪时,可以自动保存每个获取的扫描。遵循的步骤:

  1. 点击“Recording options”按钮打开对话框。
  2. 指定输出目录
  3. 勾选“Photoneo's Raw data format”
    • 点击Options并勾选“Use Cimpression”
  4. 如果您想将此设置保存为默认值,请使用“Set”或“Set & Store”进行确认。
