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(创建页面,内容为“The manipulation task can be phrased as "find-grab-place". To find the object of known shape we can use the Localisation SDK. This provides us the exact position and…”)
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The manipulation task can be phrased as "find-grab-place". To find the object of known shape we can use the Localisation SDK. This provides us the exact position and pose (angle, orientation) of the object. Now we need to convert these coordinates to a sequence of robot arm movement. First of all, we have to match robot coordinates to the camera coordinates, but this is easy since the calibration is done only once at the beginning. Second, we need to plan the arm movement so that it does not collide with other objects, walls, box or other items. We also need to define the gripper to make it possible for the robot to grab the object. The design of the gripper depends on the shape of the object, its weight, mechanical properties such as surface friction. Fragile objects or deformable objects require additional attention. There is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_end_effector a plenty options to choose from]. After the object was grabbed, again the movement planning takes the place to transport the object at the desired destination.
操作任务可以说是“找寻抓取位置”。为了找到已知其形状的物体,我们可以使用定位SDK。这为我们提供了物体的确切位置和姿态(角度,方向)。现在我们需要将这些坐标转换成机器人手臂的序列运动。首先我们必须将机器人坐标与相机坐标进行匹配,但这很容易,因为只在开始时进行一次校准。接着我们需要规划手臂的移动,使其不与其他部件、墙壁、箱子或其他物品相撞。我们还需要确定抓手,使机器人能够抓住物体。抓手的设计取决于物体的形状、重量、机械特性例如表面摩擦力。易碎的物体或可变形的物体需要额外的注意。 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_end_effector a plenty options to choose from 有很多选项可供选择]。抓住物体后,要再次规划将该物体运送到期望的目标位址的移动。

2018年4月3日 (二) 03:15的版本

操作任务可以说是“找寻抓取位置”。为了找到已知其形状的物体,我们可以使用定位SDK。这为我们提供了物体的确切位置和姿态(角度,方向)。现在我们需要将这些坐标转换成机器人手臂的序列运动。首先我们必须将机器人坐标与相机坐标进行匹配,但这很容易,因为只在开始时进行一次校准。接着我们需要规划手臂的移动,使其不与其他部件、墙壁、箱子或其他物品相撞。我们还需要确定抓手,使机器人能够抓住物体。抓手的设计取决于物体的形状、重量、机械特性例如表面摩擦力。易碎的物体或可变形的物体需要额外的注意。 a plenty options to choose from 有很多选项可供选择。抓住物体后,要再次规划将该物体运送到期望的目标位址的移动。