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(创建页面,内容为“Albedo or material reflectivity coefficient is the amount of light reflected (diffuse reflection). Some materials like snow reflect almost all light, thus the albed…”)
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Albedo or material reflectivity coefficient is the amount of light reflected  (diffuse reflection). Some materials like snow reflect almost all light, thus the albedo is close to 1 (meaning 100% of the light is reflected).
White paper reflects most of the light, but it is not so bright as snow -- it reflects about 70% of the light and thus the albedo is 0.7.
白纸反射了大部分光线,但它并不像雪一样光亮 - 它反射了大约70%的光线,因此反照率为0.7。
Some materials reflect very low light, such as black rubber. We still can see them, because our eyes are very well adapted to dynamic differences. Even when it reflects only a tenth of the light, it is still enough to see them well.
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File:Albedo.JPG|frame|alt=Black rubber cable on white paper sheet|Black rubber cable (albedo cca 0.1) on white paper sheet (albedo of 0.7)
File:Albedo.JPG|frame|alt=白色纸张上的黑色橡胶电缆(反照率 cca 0.1)(反照率 0.7)
As a curiosity, this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyt47egkTu0 scientifically created "blackest" material] reflects no light and thus has albedo of zero.

2018年3月26日 (一) 19:12的版本


白纸反射了大部分光线,但它并不像雪一样光亮 - 它反射了大约70%的光线,因此反照率为0.7。

